There is a huge population of people who don't brush their teeth before bed!
With the advancement of technology and the times, more people are starting to take the road of paying attention to oral care.
Of course you have to do the right oral care?
When it comes to oral care, "morning and evening brushing" is the "golden concept" that many people know, many people will brush their teeth in the morning after waking up, but will forget to brush their teeth at night before going to bed.
There are all kinds of reasons every time: too late to go home, too cold weather, too tired ...... The night brushing is non-existent.
To put it bluntly, the "lazy cancer" attack, do not want to move the reason ~
Why it is important to brush your teeth in the morning and at night
Brushing not only cleans the mouth, but also massages the mouth, promotes blood circulation and improves the body's ability to fight diseases.
Because the human mouth chews various kinds of food every day, food residues and bacteria will stay in the mouth and enter the body through the mouth without brushing.
Especially when sleeping, saliva secretion is reduced and bacteria are more likely to survive in the mouth, leading to various periodontal diseases. Therefore, brushing your teeth in the morning and evening is good for protecting your teeth and your health.
What are the dangers of not brushing your teeth before going to bed
The next day's "breath" will "send" you away
If you don't brush your teeth for one night, you can obviously feel the odor emitted from your mouth after waking up the next morning, not to mention that it will only become more and more obvious if you don't brush your teeth for a long time at night.
Causes dental caries and periodontal disease
Occasionally, not brushing your teeth before going to bed is not a big deal, but for a long time, it will lead to the food residue left in the gap of teeth to form calculus, and oral bacteria will take advantage of the situation to increase the chance of dental caries and periodontal disease. Especially, if you don't brush your teeth at night, the microorganisms in your mouth will exceed the standard, and the bacteria will corrode your teeth in large quantities, leading to toothache from tooth decay.
Causes tooth loss
When you do not brush your teeth at night caused by gingivitis, tooth decay, periapical infection and other diseases are more serious, it may make the root tissue necrosis, causing the phenomenon of tooth loss, which affects the chewing function.
Respiratory disease, you read that right!
The oral cavity is connected to the respiratory tract, and a large number of bacteria grow in the oral cavity, which inevitably leads to some bacteria entering the respiratory tract, thus inducing an infection that may lead to chronic pharyngitis or pneumonia after taking root in the throat or lungs.
Adopt the following good habits
Brush your teeth once a day, morning and evening
Brush your teeth in the morning and evening and keep brushing for 3 to 5 minutes each time and adopt the correct brushing method. Avoid irritation of the gums and oral mucosa.
Drink more water during the day
Drinking more water on a regular basis can replenish your daily moisture and can also be a good way to clean your mouth.
No food before bedtime
Food residues left on the teeth, etc. can easily lead to tooth decay, which can cause oral diseases.
Regular, timely visits to the dentist
Have regular oral examinations so that a professional doctor can check your teeth and find problems that you cannot see. When you feel any abnormalities in your mouth, such as painful, bleeding or congested teeth, you should seek medical attention and take measures to protect your mouth and avoid involving your body to cause diseases.
Brush before going to bed is more important than brushing in the morning, not only can remove the oral cavity accumulation, and help to protect the teeth, help to sleep peacefully, but also to prevent a variety of diseases.